#youth activism

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New Statesman
1 month ago
OMG science

Michael Mann: "Defeatism is as much of a threat as climate denial"

Climate progress is being made but not enough; policies may limit warming to 2°C, still too high. Optimism lies in younger generation's activism. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Exclusive: Youth-oriented advocacy group applauds Biden on climate

President Biden has received praise for his environmental actions but faces pressure from the youth-led Sunrise Movement for bolder steps on climate policy. [ more ]
New Statesman
1 month ago
OMG science

Michael Mann: "Defeatism is as much of a threat as climate denial"

Climate progress is being made but not enough; policies may limit warming to 2°C, still too high. Optimism lies in younger generation's activism. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Exclusive: Youth-oriented advocacy group applauds Biden on climate

President Biden has received praise for his environmental actions but faces pressure from the youth-led Sunrise Movement for bolder steps on climate policy. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago

The Kids Are Not All Right. They Want to Be Heard

The student movement against the war in Gaza has sparked national protests, impacting institutions and potentially influencing the upcoming Presidential election. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Sanders: Gaza "May Be Biden's Vietnam"

Biden's approach may alienate parts of his base, reminiscent of historical activism against Vietnam War. [ more ]
1 month ago

Repression draws attention to campus protests, like those over the conflict in Gaza, and makes them grow

Youth activism brings vibrancy and change to university campuses [ more ]
1 month ago

Trans students at Berkeley High celebrate new all-gender bathroom

Gender-expansive students at Berkeley High successfully advocated for a new gender-neutral multi-stall bathroom after nine months of activism. [ more ]
2 months ago

Team Biden Is Posting Through the Looming TikTok Ban

TikTok remains a strategic platform for political campaigns to connect with voters.
The ban on TikTok may have broader implications beyond data security concerns, impacting free speech and activism. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
2 months ago

Group of SF 7th graders using QR codes, bowls of soup to tackle cyberbullying

Middle schoolers at Children's Day School in San Francisco organize 'Soup for Change' event annually to address social justice issues like cyberbullying.
The event combines cooking skills with topics related to social change and humanities, aiming to bring awareness and create impact. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago

The Kids Are Not All Right. They Want to Be Heard

The student movement against the war in Gaza has sparked national protests, impacting institutions and potentially influencing the upcoming Presidential election. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Sanders: Gaza "May Be Biden's Vietnam"

Biden's approach may alienate parts of his base, reminiscent of historical activism against Vietnam War. [ more ]
1 month ago

Repression draws attention to campus protests, like those over the conflict in Gaza, and makes them grow

Youth activism brings vibrancy and change to university campuses [ more ]
1 month ago

Trans students at Berkeley High celebrate new all-gender bathroom

Gender-expansive students at Berkeley High successfully advocated for a new gender-neutral multi-stall bathroom after nine months of activism. [ more ]
2 months ago

Team Biden Is Posting Through the Looming TikTok Ban

TikTok remains a strategic platform for political campaigns to connect with voters.
The ban on TikTok may have broader implications beyond data security concerns, impacting free speech and activism. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
2 months ago

Group of SF 7th graders using QR codes, bowls of soup to tackle cyberbullying

Middle schoolers at Children's Day School in San Francisco organize 'Soup for Change' event annually to address social justice issues like cyberbullying.
The event combines cooking skills with topics related to social change and humanities, aiming to bring awareness and create impact. [ more ]
#climate change
6 months ago

All in same canoe': What's it like being young on a sinking small island?

The Marshall Islands are at the forefront of the impact of climate change, with rising sea levels threatening their existence.
Litokne Kabua, a youth activist from the Marshall Islands, is campaigning for global leaders to reduce emissions and protect his homeland. [ more ]
Mail Online
6 months ago

Hawaii high school students sue the state over 'climate failings'

Fourteen Hawaiian youths are suing the transport department for violating green pledges and infringing on their right to a healthy environment.
Their complaint highlights the threat of global warming to agricultural industries, cultural traditions, and rising sea levels in Hawaii. [ more ]
7 months ago

School Strike 4 Climate: Australian students skip classes en masse to call for action

Hundreds of Australian school students participated in the School Strike 4 Climate, calling for action on climate change.
Students are fighting for the future of education and for leaders to listen to their concerns.
Scientists signed a climate doctor's certificate supporting students who left their classes to strike. [ more ]
6 months ago

All in same canoe': What's it like being young on a sinking small island?

The Marshall Islands are at the forefront of the impact of climate change, with rising sea levels threatening their existence.
Litokne Kabua, a youth activist from the Marshall Islands, is campaigning for global leaders to reduce emissions and protect his homeland. [ more ]
Mail Online
6 months ago

Hawaii high school students sue the state over 'climate failings'

Fourteen Hawaiian youths are suing the transport department for violating green pledges and infringing on their right to a healthy environment.
Their complaint highlights the threat of global warming to agricultural industries, cultural traditions, and rising sea levels in Hawaii. [ more ]
7 months ago

School Strike 4 Climate: Australian students skip classes en masse to call for action

Hundreds of Australian school students participated in the School Strike 4 Climate, calling for action on climate change.
Students are fighting for the future of education and for leaders to listen to their concerns.
Scientists signed a climate doctor's certificate supporting students who left their classes to strike. [ more ]
moreclimate change
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